I'm a 13 year old developer that focuses on ReactJS. Don't have much to say other than that...
Random things
  • Yes, I'm actually 13 - my birthday's in October 2010, and I'm in 7th grade.
  • This site has all 100s in Lighthouse, and I don't get why most other sites aren't.
  • Github Copilot autocomplete suggested that I'm a furry 4 times while writing this line.
Things I've contributed to
  • Ephemeral - A web proxy with a sleek modern UI, and with features such as userscripts and userstyles.
  • Nebula - A proxy with a sleek UI, with themes, and automatic cloaking.
  • Interstellar - One of the more popular proxy sites I've contributed to
  • Stardust - An open source Kasm alternative in the works.
Devteams I'm in
  • Interstellar - member
  • z1g Project - Member
  • Spaceness - Owner
Languages, Libraries, and Frameworks I know:
  • JavaScript
  • TypeScript
  • ReactJS
  • NextJS
  • Tailwind CSS
Things I'm learning
  • SolidJS
I made this site with NextJS, React, and TailwindCSS